Monday, October 18, 2010

More Thoughts

Hey Everybody!

I was realizing today that those of you who read our blog haven't really heard from me yet, and I thought today would be a good day to start. Wow, what a crazy ride the last few months have been! When we headed down to Guatemala in July, Chris and I prayed that God would do something in our lives, something that would change us. It was interesting to see how God did that in us. Both Chris and I had been on trips before to Latin American coutries and had felt a connection and a burden for those places. This time, we didn't really feel that connection specifically to the country of Guatemala or the region of Zacapa, but to Colocaha instead. When I first saw her, she caught my eye across the nursery, a cute little girl that was looking at me with big, sad brown eyes. I went over and picked her up and as they say, the rest is history. She stole my heart, plain and simple. She was so hungry for someone to love her, and for a blip in time that week, it was me. As the week progressed, so did my burden for this little girl. There were other children that I held, but none that even came close to her. By Wednesday afternoon, I started wondering if maybe God had more in store for us and Colocha. When I approached Chris about it, it was amazing to see how God had been working the same thoughts in him. Friday afternoon, we went down to the rescue center and spent some time praying with Colocha and asking for God's guidance for us. We left that day, not sure when we would see her again, but trusting that God had a plan for us. You know, its a crazy feeling, putting your heart out there and exposing yourself to hurt, but knowing that God has a plan. It's been tough for me, battling to leave myself open and trust, even when it sometimes feels like there is no end in sight. Right after we got back, I was talking with my mom and she said something that continues to resound in my mind when I am discouraged. She said, "Hannah, don't you think that the God of the universe could open up adoptions for just a moment in time for one little girl? He's God, He can do anything!" Continue to pray for us, pray for us to keep trusting, to not give up and most of all that Colocha can come home to us soon.

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