Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No news is... no news

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay in bringing an update. Things around our house have been fairly hectic lately, and finding time to fill everyone in has been increasingly difficult.
Unfortunately, there is no new progress to report. There was hope of a pilot program starting that would get adoptions moving again, but the U.S. State Department felt the Guatemalan authorities weren't taking the process seriously enough, so they pulled out. God was not caught by surprise, however, and we have hope that He will continue to work all things out for His glory, which ultimately brings about the best for us.
This situation, as frustrating as it has been, has brought Hannah and I to a deeper understanding of the faithfulness of God. We were reflecting just the other day on how our attitudes have changed regarding this entire process. While we still feel like parents who are separated from their daughter and still believe that one day God will bring her home to the glory of Christ we've seemingly lost the sense of urgency that we once had. We still pray for God to protect her, to provide for her, and to bring her home, but our prayers have lost that sense of desperation. Our hearts ache for the day when our family will be united, but our focus has shifted. We've moved on, in a sense, to "the next big thing."
The realization of just how fickle we are brought about in us a spirit of thankfulness that in this respect our Savior is nothing like us!!! His is never passionate about us in one moment but not in the next. He doesn't pursue us for a while and then move on when we don't respond. He will never be less zealous about us then he is at this very moment! He is faithful when we are faithless. Even when we rebel against him, he pursues us. As often as Hannah and I fail as eventual parents and as followers of Christ, Jesus remains faithful to us. He will never move on to "the next big thing." He is, everyday, making us more like him, just as he promised.
So please, pray for us. Pray that, in a great display of his glory, God will bring our daughter home! Pray also that we would learn to be faithful parents and faithful Christ-followers.

For His Glory,

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